We multiply the success of your law firm,

one client at a time

Our Marketing, Customer Service, Sales, and Intake teams are your key to increasing your profits and Delighted Clients.

Why Work With Max Enterprise?

We know that law firms are under a lot of pressure to meet the expectations of their clients. Their lawyers need time to focus on their cases and not on administrative tasks.

We offer a Costumer, Intake, Marketing, and Sales Service that can help your lawyers free up time and resources to focus on what matters most: winning your clients' cases.

Our specialized legal assistants are here to take your firm's performance to the next level.

What we can do for your firm?

Are you ready to discover the array of services that can transform your law firm?

Lead Qualification

Evaluate leads to determine their suitability for your firm.

CRM Management

Collect leads, qualify leads, and generate reports.

Detailed Client Intakes

Client information is collected to create cases.

Email Management

Answer your client emails and follow up on cases.

Client Communications

Respond to your clients' inquiries and provide support.

Appointment Reminders

Remind your clients of their appointments and meetings.

Document Preparation

They are responsible for monitoring and compiling documentation for your cases.

Translation Services

Translate legal documents and communications.

Calendar Management

Keep your lawyers' agenda under control.

Client Billing

Invoicing, payment tracking, and keeping your financial records up to date.

Deals Closed

Multiply your sales and brand growth.

Our Teams Your Teams

Lear about more us

Max Teams

We seamlessly integrate our teams into your company’s existing structure. Our customized onboarding process ensures a seamless transition, allowing your team to leverage our resources as if they were in-house, creating a harmonious relationship that multiplies the efficiency and profitability of your law firm.

You Are the Brain,
We Are Your Ears and Hands

How Start?

It's Simple!

1. Book Your Growth Diagnosis

Schedule a meeting with our business growth professionals team.

2. We Build Your Growth Strategy

We’ll create a growth marketing strategy that’s right for your business.

3. Assemble Your Dream Team

Once you approve the growth strategy, we’ll build a high-performing team for your business.

4. Start Grow!

Your new team of professionals will take your business to the next level.

Experience Excellence in Legal Support

Listen to how our virtual legal assistants delight clients


“Today, I know it was a smart decision for Community Law Group to partner with Max Enterprise. With them, we went from annual revenue of $1 million to $3 million. They saw our potential, created a growth strategy for us, and we're seeing the results.”

Diana Cachaya

CEO, Community Law Group

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